I have some questions about two moments from TK's portion of the run of "Password Plus" concerning "The Salem Sisters" and "Harry":
1. First, Kathy (P+ contestant) and Betty White solved two puzzles with one clue. On the first one, they got "owl" from "night" and won the game; that made Dick and Tom really mad, and Tom hustled Kathy and Betty over to the Alphabetics area. On the second one, they got "mirage" from "oasis", and with that one, also won the game. After the second one, Betty said "The Salem Sisters are back"-- what did she mean by that?
2. Did either of the two aforementioned one-clue solutions come as part of the same episode that had the "France-French" blooper?
3. About "Harry"-- according to the judges and Tom, "Harry" and "hairy" are pronounced slightly differently. Tom demonstrated this on a chalkboard and showed us that "Harry" had a short "a" (one with a curve on top that dipped down to the right and returned to the top) as in "pat". I earlier looked in the Webster's New World Dictionary and the World Book Dictionary, and under the entry for "Harry" (which is both a proper name and a verb) there is no mark like that above the "a". Do you think that Tom might have been mistaken, or do you think that he was right when he said that "Harry" had a short "a"?